Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Gotta love it!

I just wanted to update everyone. I have been so busy lately and so much goes by. Toni was sick again....but this time it was not strep....yay for Toni. Now both my kiddo's are well and happy. Good thing too because Toni will turn 6 next week (crazy girl thinks she is allowed to grow up on me). Mikey and Toni are wonderful kids and almost everyday Mikey gets his Guitar out and sings to me...or the dog...whoever seems to like it the best. Mikey can write his name finally... such a long name...Michael. I don't let him get away with Mikey....nope it is Michael. Just to show off when we were at the doctors office getting Toni tested for strep he wrote it out for the pediatrician (such a show-off). Toni's love for school reminds me of my sister. She is a truly gifted student and we received her report card today...Hand written over the top of the card was "Toni is an awesome student!" She is marked as "above expected level" the highest mark available. She has mastered every section and I am so glad she does not struggle. That being said...we found out before Christmas that Toni's best friend was moving and this was just sad news for Toni. I blogged about it because I picked her up from school and she was in tears....yep...real tears for her friend. With all that was going on in the world I felt selfish about tossing a prayer up for my daughter's happiness at school. I instead talked to her about other happy things at school like how much she loves her teacher and how much her teacher loves her. When I compare our problems with the rest of the world they seem weak. I mean should I really pray for a new best friend at school when so many kids in the world don't even have an opportunity to attend a school....or even eat every day. the grand scale of things it seems selfish to pray. Instead I prayed to be thankful for what we have and not what we don't have. But we have an awesome God and I know he hears my thoughts whether I pray about them or not. He kinda spoils my family a bit and I know he loves my kids as much as I do. Last week Toni came bouncing into the house telling me about a new girl in her class room "and momma...Mrs. Douglas sat her at my table with me". I thought how lucky she was and I asked Toni what her name was. "Angel" my daughter gleamed. Now Toni draws pictures of her and calls her her new best friend. Yep that's right...God sent a friend for Toni....he sent her to Toni's class instead of any of the other 6 classes down the hall...and then sat her at my daughters table. Just to make sure I knew this was from him...he named her Angel. So the next time you think anything is too small to bring to God...just remember God loves us as much as anyone ever could and he does not want to see us hurting over anything no matter how simple or small the request is.

I hope this blog finds everyone in great health....and just know I love all my readers.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Mystery Camp...Youth Camp

I went on a youth trip with our Church to help out and chaperon. They called it mystery camp this year and none of the students knew where we were going or what we would be doing. All they knew is they needed to show up at the church on Friday and would not be back till Sunday. We loaded up three vans and truck full of pre-teens and teens and headed off to hill country to Camp Buckner. It was beautiful and only a little over an hour from the church but that did not stop me from convincing a few of them that we would be in the van till at least midnight ha ha ha. Anyway we arrived and all loaded into cabins for the weekend and we reveled our mystery theme "Gifted". The weather was cold but not wet so we were outside for tons of activities. A band by the name of LookToTheSky came and lead worship...did I mention they rocked. I felt old right away because after about 5 min. my ears were ringing from the music being so LOUD...I wore ear plugs the rest the time but no one noticed. We took up every moment of the youths time with organized games, quite time, group discussions, worship and prayer. At night we stayed outside till around midnight playing running games like Capture the flag. The teams were very competitive and everyone that I talked to had a blast. The first morning there I woke up sore from running till midnight and would not have been able to function without my Ibuprofen. The next day was filled with more games and worship. The church had been collecting shoes in good used condition or new to donate to Honduras and while at camp the youth spent some of there time writing scriptures on the soles of the shoes before sending them off. The church also brought a huge beach ball that took more than one person to carry over to the volley ball net. Watching this ball going from one side to the other was amazing. It took so much team work just to keep the ball from touching the ground. At one point some of the band members came out and jumped in the game for some fun too. The youth had a blast as did the adults and the food was good too. At the camp they had a large cafeteria that had and dished more food than one person should be eating. The cafeteria had a large fire place and the last night we were there everyone made smores. It would have been fun to have an outside fire but the hill country has been on a burn ban for over 6 months no fires. The campers had a blast and all kinds of pranks were pulled on various people...not everyone enjoyed the pranks...but I did. Sunday morning we headed back to the church for Sunday service and the band came with us to lead fellowship for the whole congregation. The youth at our church are truly amazing kids and I loved getting to know them. But I must say that I was happy to be home and hug my babies, John took great care of them and Toni even had a pony tail in for church that morning...such a good daddy. I am thankful that I was able to go and help out. I am blessed to have a husband willing to stay at home for a few days just him and kiddo's.

Friday, January 9, 2009


My baby has strep....again. Yep I got a call from school today and had to pick her up early. We called the doc and they squeezed us in this afternoon and confirmed that she has strep. So sad. Again no one else has any symptoms. Grrrrrrrr She just got off of anti bio tics on Christmas day. She had a 10 day round of Agmenton (SP) and now...ten more days.

On a new note. I took pictures yesterday so I could put them on and blog about how great the weather is. The kids were out bike riding, playing, and just being I took some pix. Well....I can't find my card reader and it has a card in it. I am sure it will turn up but this is crazy, where is it already.

I hope all is well with whoever reads this blog and know I love you all.

Friday, January 2, 2009

more busy days...

These last few days have been crazy. I am loving having both my babies home for Toni's two week vacation from school. Of course three days after Christmas was Mikeys birthday and it was on a Sunday this year. I made and decorated cupcakes for his Sunday school class to share for a snack that day. Mikey had a mini church party which was good because if we had to celebrate his birthday on Sunday it would have just been Mikey, Toni and I. John was hunting that weekend, Lia was in Mexico for the holidays, and our other neighbor had to work. Did I mention that our phone lines were down for almost 5 days around the holiday...yep no phone calls in or out. Boy my voice mail was full when it finally worked. Anyway....we celebrated his birthday on the 31st. On the 30th John and I took our little family down to sea world for the holiday shows and fun times to be had. The kids had a blast and I got to see my dolphin again. I love Mattie and will always have a special place in my heart for her. While we were at sea world we caught a 4D theater show (The Polar express) and it was the coolest thing. When the wind would blow in the movie you would feel wind in your face. Or when the train rumbled so would the theater. When it snowed in the movie....the theater filled with snow. It was so much fun and I wish I would have taken pictures of our family in the goofy 3d glasses we all had to wear LOL. We also caught the Orca whale show with shamu, the dolphin/beluga whale show Viva, and a few other things as well. We timed everything just right and saw everything the park had to offer. The kids loved climbing these large rope structures and it was hard keeping track of them. We walked all day up and down the hills at sea world and Toni never asked for a break or to be carried. Mikey did well too only asking a hand full of times for a piggy back ride. I was impressed with my babies as we passed by complaining 8 and 9 year old being pushed in kid strollers. After the day was done we drove our 2 hour ride home and put our exhausted selves to bed. We slept hard for a few hours and then Mikey woke up and crawled into bed with us. Before I could go back to sleep I heard someone beating on the door. The time was around 4:30 in the morning. I woke John up and he grabbed his gun to answer the door. I thought it was funny because I told him if you needed the gun they would not be knocking. was his sister from Washington that he has not seen sense he was almost 4. She was on her way from Hammond LA. to El Paso Tx. She stopped by to meet him and it just happened to be very early. After a hour or two of chatting we all went back to bed. The next day we spent getting to know her and playing silly games like uno attack with her, her husband and her daughter. It was the 31st and that was Mikey's party day so they got to meet the neighbors and be present for a Mikey party. It was a nice visit and we went to Gatti land so the kids could play and we all ate pizza and had a grand ol' time. After the outing we came back to the house to ring the new year in. It was nice ringing in the new year with new family in the house. I said it was a busy time and I am leaving out soooooo much but for now this is an update on what has been going on.