Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hello to all my people. so so much has gone on that I really can't write about all of it.  Toni was diagnosed with Asthma and our whole family is suffering with allergies.  We went to Virginia for spring break to visit my sis one last time before she moves to Cuba.  Loved the visit.  It was my kiddo's, my 19 year old niece, my mom and myself in the car for the long haul.  It was so fun having my sisters kids and mine together....they play so well.   I have tons of pictures but can't share any of them.  My main computer is on the fritz and I have not had access to it for about a month.  My husband keeps "fixing" it but it still does not work.  I love that he keeps trying.  I think we need a new computer.  Anyway.  We visited my mom a week and a half ago and that was a blast.  Took the babies on an unexpected 6 mile bike ride...they did great.  I was proud of them for not giving up.  We took pictures in the blue bonnets on the way to there.  I love one of the pictures so much (again...I would share but......)  Easter was a blast.  We had a BIG eggstravaganza at the church and 1000's of eggs were hunted by 100's of kiddo's.  It was a fun morning.  They had games, crafts, shows, and of course the hunt.  We spent several hours there.  We had a little Easter egg hunt of our own here at the house too.  The kids have too much candy.  All in all we have been good.  Well....after spring break we all took turns at the doctor for about 3 days and spent over $600 to get all the proper meds to deal with the spring allergies.   It feels like the flu when you get hit hard.  We still have bills sneaking in the mail because of things our insurance won't pick up.  But the Lord never gives us more than we can handle. Check this out.  I was getting money saved to travel to my sisters and still be ok with the budget but then my mom ended up going and she paid gas and food for the whole bunch of us.  My sis picked up our hotel for two nights and my mom picked up the third night.   So when we arrived home with all of our sickness we did not even worry about the bills at the doc.  Anyway...I might be oversharing but we are just so blessed to be able to live like we do.  It seems no matter what we are always taken care of.  Ok...lets see...what am I missing here.   Let me see, I have kinda lost my mind lately too.   I can't remember what day it is most the time now.  I walk into a room and can't remember what I needed in the room.   Or I finish half of something and walk off and then can't remember what I was doing or why.  I have missed appointments, meetings, and all kinds of stuff in the past month.  I have never missed my mommy group at church and guessed it.  April snuck up on me and I just forgot we had a meeting.  I signed up for Vacation Bible School crafts this year and we had a meeting planned....totally forgot and missed it too.  April is hard LOL.  Toni is doing great in school.  I know her teacher loves her and she always does so good in class.  Her hand writing is pretty and getting better all the time.   Toni's teacher was gone for a few days and the class had a substitute teacher.  Well...Toni comes home with a thank you note from the sub saying how great she was and how much help Toni was during her few days there.   It seems everywhere my girl goes she is loved and appreciated.  She is such a wonderful little girl.  Ok...that's it for now.   Wish me luck on getting my computer back and my photoshop....and all my pictures to play with.   I need access to all my stuff.   Love to all my readers and sorry for not signing on for quite some time.   


  1. Girl, I'm JUST getting caught up on my blog reading! I only posted a tiny snipit on my own blog stating that I'm still alive - LOL.

    God does bless you - and US! He allows us to live in such comfort and happiness.

    I'm so glad y'all got to come visit. We loved having you and are so appreciative that you drove all that way. We miss you (*I* miss you like crazy!) and love you.

    I wish we were neighbors. Maybe someday...

    Love you!

  2. I had given up on checking you blog, because it was such a disappointment to go there and see none. Lori got off of Myspace. Your mom got into Mobsters, and Cheri got off of Myspace, so I never got a comment from family on my blogs and the numerous pictures I posted. I was considering getting out too. I hate it about your computer. Even if you get a new computer, will your old one keep all your material? My old one did. I feel for you on all the allergies. Everyone I know has been miserable with them. It almost takes the joy out of Spring, but not quite. I am glad Toni is on the right meds for her asthma. I know she will do a lot better now. You do stay busy. I can relate to your CRS. I think it's a family thing. I have to jot down notes to remember to jot down notes. Now, there's a blog waiting. Look out, Folks. Glad you are blogging again. I love you. Aunt Toni

  3. you all make me feel better...they say misery loves must b true...alergies?...PLEASE!!!and forgetfulness? mom must be a family trait...I've been dealing with it since my teenage yrs. and its gotten worse over time! I always just blamed it on too many irons in the fire...Im now not so sure...If my husband tells me to remind him in the morning about something,,,I get up, go into the kitchen, and write it down for me to remind him...otherwise...gone! each morning is an altogether new one...sorry guys for my absense on myspace...but I'm enjoying the extra time I needed to get things squared away...and I can still read all ur blogs and make comments...really enjoy that!...good to have u back girl! love u cuz...miss u lots! hope to see u soon! Cheri.
