Thursday, July 2, 2009

I am a mess....but I know you all still love me.

I really wanted to blog about Toni losing her front teeth but lost the time. So much has gone by I guess I will start with today.

We had such a fun day. This morning I took the kids and the neighbors to a water play scape and it was so much fun. All free of course. One of our friends met us there and soon we had kids running every which way. I had a Doc appointment at three so we all headed home to throw some food at the kids and see what they could catch and eat (that is really what it feels like). Lia decided that she was going to take a chance at the mall with 4 kiddo's while I went to the doc apt. I drove her down to the mall and dropped them all off. Lucky me the apt only lasted about an hour and then I was back to playing. While out I decided to grab some t-shirts from old navy that had the flag on them for a cute picture that I had in mind. Well... turns out that by July 2nd Old Navy is all out of $5 T-shirts. Fine then! We all ventured home. I looked through the kids shirts and found some plain white shirts for each of them. I told the kids that we were going to clean for our half an hour and then instead of school work today we were going to paint. The kids love art. Cleaning went by very quickly and soon the kids were out and ready to go. I taped off Mikey's shirt so he could see a rectangle and showed him a picture of the American flag. OH and by tape off, I mean search the house for 10 min. looking for any painters tape or something along those line. See...I know I had my hands on the blue painters tape just two days ago...grrrr where did I put it. FINE...I was going to go with just plain masking tape. I mean, really, who is that picky anyway. So after not being able to find that, I ran across electrical tape. And not the one I bought yesterday to fix the phone because I could not find ANY electrical ANYWHERE... No I mean the really old tape in the back of a draw that I really don't want to talk about. Anyway, so now that Mikey's shirt looks like a big mess with electrical tape all over it, I let the little man have a brush. Toni refused to have her shirt taped saying that she is an expert in the Lone Star Flag and the American Flag. I pretty much just left her on her own. The kids painted there shirts with such pride that you would have thought they were painting the 16th Chapel. Once the shirts were painted I hung them on the line outside to dry. Toni's dried in about 5 min. Mikeys took over half and hour due to all the paint he piled on. Mikey loved making the dots for the stars on the flag and got a little carried away. If you look at Toni's shirt she has exactly 50 stars (and I am sure this is not surprising to anyone). It was so much fun watching them paint and have fun. After they dried I let them put them on....look in the mirror at how nice they looked...practice there smile in the mirror and then out the door to the front yard for pix. My kids are fun to take pictures of. Their faces crack me up. Mikey wants to have a pretty smile for me...but he can't help his little fake one. After all the pix were taken (you know...mommy is done)...we took off for the pool. I took the underwater camera for that adventure. Toni and Mikey stayed in the pool till 8:45. I finally made them get out and jump on the trampoline to dry off a bit. I was jumping with them and then fireworks started going off. Mikey freaked out a little saying...."Mommy, some one is shooting at us". I told him it was nothing to worry about and showed him in the sky where the lights were. Not enough. He liked the look of the sparks but could not get over the dark and loud bangs. We came in. Both the kids did not want to be alone in the house after dark and came to my room while I changed in the bathroom. Mikey was still scared so Toni asked him if he wanted her to pray for them. He was happy about this idea. It was so sweet. Toni grabbed his little hands and started praying. Not the "Keep us safe Lord" prayer either...I mean really praying. Like, Thank you God for this wonderful day and all the sun shine, Thank you for all of our friends we saw today, I know you will keep us safe even when all the noise is outside, Please help Mikey not to be afraid and know that you are always here with us, Please help the dogs outside not to freak out, and then at the end she asked one more thing "and please let Mommy play with us and do art with us every Jesus name...Amen" I love her. Anyway...Mikey was doing better after that for a little while but then the noise got the best of him again. This time Mikey found sister on his own this time and said "Sister...could you pray for us again?" . She did. Anyway that was our day today. The kids had a blast and so did their mommy.


  1. Oh, the kids are so sweet. I am glad you are having fun with them. They did a great job on those shirts. And Toni praying for Mikey is to sweet. You kids were like that, praying for each other and everyone else. Gotta love it. I love you my girl. Momma

  2. Oh my gosh!!! How freaking sweet are your babies??? I love that Toni prayed for art every day... lol. That's awesome. You have sweet kids, Ton. I sure to miss them - and you! Sounds like you were WAY busier than you usually appreciate being... Hahahaha! Kiss those sweet babies for me. Love you!

  3. Thats the absolute cutest thing!!! It does remind me of you guys when u were kids! It always amazes me of how your kids are such intricate and creative individuals in their own little little bitty adults... I love seeing into the minds of little helps me appreciate the way God is growing them and fashioning them into adults one step at a time....pretty cool! and I love the creative way yall celebrated the fourth! ingenius! sounds like something I woulda done...just to spite old Navy...FINE! so I'll make my own!!! thats my girl!! its soo good to hear from you again...I even started to create my own blogspot on and got as far as changing my blogID and the rest confounded me...I mean truly confused me to death so I stopped...I just miss hearing from you and ur mom so much and yall dont blog anymore for me to comment...and if you do I can comment but dont hear back from yall cause I dont have a blog...blast it!!! but life is so boring... I go to work and come home...thats it...and no kids to keep it interesting so...I just love hearing about you guys and your lives and love please keep it coming.........I love you sooo much...and think about you always...and miss you too!....come see us again soon cuz. Cheri.

  4. You are right... we DO still love you!!!
