Sunday, October 26, 2008

I voted today.

Yep...thats right. I went to the Jonestown City Hall and voted against Obama. I really hope he loses. I woke up with a really bad pain in my neck and new it must be time to vote (kidding kinda). I did vote and I am glad I got that out of the way but in all seriousness my neck is killing me. I could not even go to church today bad. I sent John to stand in my place for sundayschool teacher. The kids and John loaded up and left for service. Mikey spiked a fever and they had to come home early. Sickness...grrrr. Mikey still does not feel good and Toni is coughing up a storm.

I have my appointment in the morning and John is going with me. I have done a good job of putting the appointment out of my head. I am really not worried anymore and I believe that the Lord has it all under control. There is a certain peace about me and I know it is because so many folks are praying for me. On a good note I finished cleaning my rug and got the thing in from off the driveway (I am sure the neighbors are happy about that).


Anonymous said...

Praying and more... that's what I'm doing. I love you and you HAVE to call me as soon as you know ANYTHING. I'm sorry your babies are sick. Mine are, too. It's weird that we are 24+ hours from each other and our kids seems to get sick at the same times anyway :o I love you! Good job on voting. I'll be doing it on November 4 and voting against Obama as well. I can't wait for this election to be OVER. But if Obama manages to win, I'll sign, rally, petition, and do whatever I can to get him OUT. As long as I'm a citizen of this country, I'm not going out without a fight! Love you.

Merry Marshall said...

You are in my prayers. I will also vote today. I am so not sure what to do, but I do not want Obama. At the same time the Bible says that God appoints the kings. Who ever gets in will be in my prayers and I will back them. I love my country and believe that God can turn the hearts of the kings. If he gets in and God wants hime out, he will be removed one way or another. God is all powerful and has this under control. I love you girl, and pleas let me know as soon as you know anything. Hugs and Kisses, Momma

Aunt Toni said...

My vote was also against Obama. My prayers are for you. I know you have to be one of God's favorite kids. Yeah, I know, God is no respecter of persons.. right..He was pretty fond of David. You are loved. Aunt Toni