Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Well last weekend the circus came to Austin. It was so much fun. John and the kids had never been to a circus and they thought it was great. There were clowns all over the place and at one point one came and sat next to Toni. She just kept pretending not to see him she did not know what to think. She finally warmed up to the idea that they were there for fun and then her and I were on a hunt to get them to sign her book. We only managed to find a few clowns to sign in her circus book but seeing her chasing them down to get the signature was like watching a star struck fan chase down Brad Pitt. It was a three ring circus and they had elephants, Tigers, Lions, a really fun dog show, Jugglers, a cool circle cage that had 7 motorcycles in it at one time, and Trapeze. I am sure I am missing other things but it was so much fun. Mikey loved the mirrors that could make you TALL or short, Fat and small. John was so entertained seeing him enjoying himself was fun too. We will be going back to the circus next year...sooooo fun. We bought the kids the cotton candy, popcorn and slushies when the vender's would pass us. We skipped all the expensive toys all over the place but our kids were quite happy with the junk we feed them. Our neighbors also went and we sat next to them. The neighbor boy goes to clown camp every year and he was an honorary clown for the day so she had great seats. Noah (the honorary clown) was in the center ring during the opening ceremony. After seeing all the acts, the clowns, and the super cool animals both my kids agreed that the best part was the dog show. Now you know they are my kinda kids.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like an amazing time!!! And I noticed in the picture... Toni's hair is getting LONG!

Aunt Toni said...

I knew you would all love the circus. Kids need to go to the circus..all of you. Now, I want to go. The kid in me is excited. The dog shows were always my favorite, that and the trapeze acts. I captured your picture. Don't feel guilty because I was feeling Tichi picture deprived. I love you all.

Anonymous said...

Wow, such fun. I am glad your family was able to go. Remember when Lori won tickets to the circus. A coloring contest. We would never have been able to go if she hadn't. It was such fun. I love and miss you. Momma

Cherikeegirl said...

that sounds like so much fun... I havent been to a circus in yrs. The kid in me still likes and would love to go to carnivals and such, but I invariably act like to much of an old fogey and shirk my child nature...oh well...guess I'll just live through you guys....keep up the fun girl. love you cuz...c.