Saturday, November 1, 2008

First day of November

Today was a fun day...we stayed outside most the day and played with the neighbors. My kids wanted their faces painted again so I told them sense it was Saturday I could. But not on school nights or church days. Toni wanted to be a cat and Mikey just wanted paint. Lia and I took turns outside with the kids so we could each do our laundry and clean our houses a little. I really have great neighbors. It is now November and guess what came by today. Yep...the ice cream truck. Lucky them I had a little extra money from the washer (I still have not learned not to launder money). Mikey still is clingy but no fever today, I just don't understand what has got him down. The kids are watching Wallie right now (thanks Uncle Vince). They really love movie and I like it because there is not much talking so it is nice to play when you are tired of noise.

I miss my husband. I hope he is having fun with the guys and getting a break. It is nice to have his help with the kids in the evening but I understand needing to get away some times. I wish he was home but I know it is opening weekend of deer season. I wonder how many wives are our there thinking the same thing I am. I told him if he goes he has to bring me a WHOLE deer home. (he likes to give some of it away). I told him he can't give any away unless it is his second deer. I miss the deer meat in the fridge.


Anonymous said...

You are doing a fabulous job on the face painting!!!

I am glad you are being so supporting with John and "open season"... you are a good wife ;)

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Have fun with my grandbabies. LOL.
Love the face painting, and miss the babies and you. It is good for John to get away. I hope he brings home lots of groceries. Love you, Momma

Aunt Toni said...

Nice face painting. See, you don't have to buy them tattoos. Good luck to John on his hunting. Hope he gets one. You know how hunting season has always been for your Uncle Jerry. Now we live in the woods, and he is home. Whatever it takes. We have one in on ice right now. Have a lovely Sunday. Love you. Aunt Toni

Cherikeegirl said...

great face painting...your kids are cute...atleast your hubby still loves to hunt, Dawayne in burnt out on it this yr. so if I want to hunt I have to hunt on Mon. that just adds one more thing I have to fit into my busy day off. love to ya later. your cuz.