Wednesday, November 26, 2008

a little fun

Last weekend Toni was invited to a birthday party for her friend Mathew who turned six. Toni just can't believe that all these kids get to turn six before her. The party was held at Austin's Park and Pizza and quite a few kids showed up. First we all gathered in a party room and had pizza and a beautiful Pirate cake. The kids sang and the birthday boy opened all his gifts. Then they passes out vouchers for the kids to go pick and ride different things. Toni was not interested in most the kid stuff...she wanted to push the limits and ride things she really should not be. Lucky for Toni her best friend from church showed up (she calls him K-Love....really Caleb lol) and they are two weeks apart. He likes to push the limits as well (they are not scared of anything). At first they stayed with the group and played video games and such.

But then they broke off and went to the rock climbing wall. The requirements are that you weigh at least 45 pounds....They are close. Toni weighs 44 and Caleb 42...but they let them on. Fun to watch. They played laser tag and were the only 5 year old in there not even the 6 year old wanted to go play in the dark. We went to the bumper boats and they were not tall enough to ride but Toni and Caleb charmed the man and he helped them onto their own boats. It was so much fun and I am glad I got to run around with them.

Did I mention that Caleb has a little brother named Samuel. They all look so happy together.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a brave little girl you have. I am so proud of my Toni. She is so like her Momma, not afraid to do anything. You were always the first to do everything. After you did it Lori and Vince followed. To funny. Love you and the pictures are great. Thank you for sharing. Love you, Momma

Cherikeegirl said...

your kids are a trip girl...I am so glad I got to see you guys this thanksgiving...Toni and mikey take after you so much its amazing. Keep up the good work and I hope I will get to sing Karioke with you agian soon...that was a blast!!! I love you cuz... see u soon hopefully. your cuz C.

Aunt Toni said...

What fun. It sure made cute pictures. I would have loved seeing Toni climb that wall. The bumper boats looked fun too, but I hate being squirted. I rode tea cups once, after cheezburgers and shakes. I won't tell you what happened. Love you. Aunt Toni

Anonymous said...

Now the emailed pictures make sense :) That Toni is a cool little chick! Looks like she and "K-Love" have a lot of fun together! I cannot believe how fast she is growing up and how quickly time goes by. I love and miss you.

Cherikeegirl said...

hey cuz..........just poppin in to say hi. love ya lots. Cheri.