Saturday, November 8, 2008


Well...I have been wanting to get together with my church more on a social level. I love all the stuff I am involved in but never really get to have fun with them. I was invited to a couples special Olympic games night. If you could not find childcare for your children it was $8 at the church for the night per family (no matter how many kids you had). I was crazy happy that John said he would go (and I know he just agreed to go for me). We were to dress up as our fav. Olympian and show up ready to compete. 14 couples showed up and we started out with a home cooked meal and fellowship for an hour. Then we were split into random groups (and you could not be on the same team as your husband). There were 5 different groups and we were given five min. to come up with our country (had to be made up...nothing real), draw a country flag, and sing a short anthem. It was great I was in group Coco mo and ready to compete. we had several events lined out and we had to pick team members to compete in each. First was pole throwing ( was really straws that we tossed to see who could make it the farthest), then it was Shot put competition (ummmm it was a small foam ball). We went from the balancing beam (one two by four piece of lumber placed on the 2 inches high) and everything in between. We had to act like it was all real. We even ended with couple ice skating (in the gym with no real skates...all fake). In the ice skating events we had to have a lift and that was fun on our team because we are the only ones that sent out two guys to pretend skate (one in a dress). We all laughed our selves stupid and had a blast. From being flung across the gym on wheels to cartwheeling, tumbling, and leaping the way to victory, in the end we all waited for the results and of course my team won (I am a sore loser and I will not lose). We got the gold and had to sing our anthem in front of all...again. The team John was on won the silver. It was such a fun night (it lasted 3 hours all in all). I really like playing with the folks from our church and John had a blast too. I will remember to bring my camera next time...too funny.


Anonymous said...

What fun. I am so happy you and John went. It is great to have a fun time with Christians, a good clean kind of fun. May the joy of the Lord be your strength. Love you my Tonigirl. Momma

Anonymous said...

Wow, Ton! Sounds like a blast! I guess game nights were in the cards for us ;)

LOVE you!

Cherikeegirl said...

I think its great that you and John are involved in church and do church things is fun..I remember when Dawayne and I did things like that together...those were good times with good friends...who had a good influence on did our souls alot of good. We arent involved in church now, and only have one couple friends that we ever get together with, and that tends to get old...especially when he works with the guy, and he and his girlfriend are always at odds so thats not good for us. I miss church and doing church things alot. I dont know if D will ever want to go back, but Im still trusting in God to work on his heart. Love you.......keep up the good work. Cheri.

Aunt Toni said...

That sounds hysterical. I can't believe you didn't have a camera. I thought your camera was another appendage. I can't imagine you or John letting your team loose, if you had to carry the team mates across the finish line. You have a fun church. It would make everyone want to go to church, hearing your stories and seeing pictures.