Monday, October 27, 2008

Great wonderful news!

I am fine...God answered many many prayers and is keeping me nice and healthy. I would love to thank all the people who prayed and asked God to keep me and my family safe and with peace. Before I ever went in to do the test I was really at peace with whatever the outcome was going to be. We have an awsome God and I am glad I am one of his children. I am kinda emotional today (kinda on a high from the power of God) and it is hard to gather my thoughts.

Love to all.

Ton Ton


Anonymous said...

God is good ALL the time!!! I, too, am very grateful for your outcome. Love you.

Merry Marshall said...

I am so happy for you. Life is good. Love you my girl. Momma

Aunt Toni said...

God is all powerful, and prayers are power. I am so happy for you. I love you. Aunt Toni