Friday, December 26, 2008


We had a great Christmas! The waiting for Christmas was so much fun through my kids eyes. They would tell me everyday how many days it was till Jesus's birthday. We had a nativity wall hanging that they had to add a piece everyday and on the last day baby Jesus was added. They really got Christmas this year. My Toni sang Happy Birthday on Christmas and I got all teary. The day before Christmas we received a box from Grandma Barbara in California...she got the kids some of the cutest outfits so I took them out to the creek where it is all white rocks to take some pictures of them. It worked out well. It was 72 degrees out side and no snow in site (normal for Texas) but the pictures look like winter...I did it. The white white rocks give the feel of snow and the bright colors of Toni's dress just look great with the background. Now....if only my kids skin was not sooooooo white LOL. Anyway...Johns Dad and Mom came up from Huntsville for Christmas day and it was nice having them. We made a very strange Christmas dinner and it was fun getting it all on the table. I wanted to make sure everyone was included in the dinner making so I asked the kids what they wanted for dinner a few days ago. Toni wanted rolls and ham, Mikey wanted ham and fruit. Both the kids decided they wanted orange coke to drink so the one day of year I bought coke for them. Most the John spoke up and wanted to cook a prime roast. Vince was happy with all of that but loves Oatmeal Raisin cookies and Vince and John both wanted their favorite beans and potatoes. My favorite dessert of all time is Chocolate pie. was fun. We had prime roast, a ham, and a turkey for the meat. For the sides John made his special fresh greenbeens with pecans, I made German mashed potato casserole, pinto beans with beacon and onion (yum yum yum) and of course dinner rolls. We also had Oatmeal Rasin cookies, sugar cookies, and a chocolate pie. It was wonderful. The table was full and after the dinner every ones belly was too.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there. It sounds like great fun. I had to work , and that is ok. I had a blast with your family before Christmas. Next year I am home for Christmas. I hope you can all come here, Johns family too. Love you. Momma

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a FUN Christmas! It is nice that your kids are an age where they really get the finer aspects of Christmas. Love you.

Aunt Toni said...

That sounds like a very special Christmas. The food sounded delicious. What a nice big family group. Now, that's Christmas.I can feel the love. Sending you some more.Aunt Toni