Friday, December 5, 2008

A December's Wednesday

Wednesday was a crazy day. Toni came home crying from school. Her best friend is moving to California and she is sure she will never have a girl best friend again. I talked to Toni about the other girls in her class room and she said they all already have best friends and now hers is leaving. Times are tough for this country and even my kindergartner is feeling the effects. Emily is moving because her dad lost his job her in Austin and he found a new one in California. He is one of the lucky ones. Over 1.3 million people lost their jobs last year and no city or state is safe from financial devastation. That being said I am very glad that my husband is a water guy, I know that nothing is forever but we all need water there is just no way around it. Anyway.

Mikey and I hung out Wednesday and he painted a wooden boat as we talked about Jesus calming the storm for the scared fishermen. Mikey is a smart kid and loves to repeat the stories to anyone who will listen...with better sound effects than I make. He loved having sister home from school so he could show her his boat and tell his story (yet again). Sister cheered up and played with Mikey and it was nice to see her out of her little sadness time. Mikey still misses his sister during the day but has found that playing with the dogs is a fun way to pass time. He treats the dogs like playmates and hangs out with them throughout the day.

Awana's is on Wednesdays as well and we had to be there super early for check in because the whole team was going Christmas caroling. We stopped at Dollar General on the way to church to buy Christmas hats and reindeer antlers. Mikey and Ezra wanted the horns and Toni was all about the hat. We have 75 children in the Awana's program at church and most of them were there. We all loaded up in different cars and headed to a nursing home to surprise the people there with wonderful singing. John and I had the four children that we bring on Wednesday in our SUV and headed to follow the crowd. The only problem was both of us forgot to bring the directions and we became separated from the group we were trying to follow. We turned around to head back to the church in hopes of finding anyone that stayed behind that might know the directions. On our way back to the church John called Lia (one of the kids mom's that we take) to see if she could run to our house and read us the directions off the table. It all turned out OK and Lia read us off the directions to the rest of our group. No one even noticed that we were a little late as they had not started the singing. Yeah for us. It was a small place that we landed all of our kids in...but I am so glad we went. First we all stacked into the dinning area where the elderly people were eating and as we marched in everyone was sounded like angles with all the small voices (we had 15 three and four year olds). I looked around and people were pointing and some of them had tears in there eyes. Our kids gave out a few hugs to some open arms of the people and the ladies would tell me about there children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. It was hard for me not to cry, you could tell how those lonely people needed to hear some great Christmas songs. After the dinning room herd a few songs and watched the kids for a few minutes we separated into two groups of about 50 people each. One group went upstairs and our group stayed down stairs. We walked along the halls of the nursing home very slowly and sang with every step. Some of the nurses came out and asked us to bring small groups into some of the rooms by request for some of the people that were no longer Mobile. To see the faces light up was amazing and the spirits in place were happy and warm that night. It was truly a gift for us to sing and help spread happiness. At one point we had a trail of walkers and wheel chairs behind our group following us around just to hear the children and remember the loved ones that they were missing. It was truly touching. Toni loved learning all the Christmas songs over the last few weeks for this event so she was heard loud and clear when a song popped up that she knew particularly well. Poor Mikey just kinda made up his own words but loved walking through the halls and singing his own tune...unless jingle bells was sung....he loves jingle bells and knows it very well.

That is about if for Wednesday....oh....and we wore them out, they slept well. Love to all.


Anonymous said...

Awwww... I want to go sing at the senior center with YOU! What sweet babies you have. I miss them... and you. Hugs and kisses to you and yours.

Aunt Toni said...

That was terrific. It's great that the kids get to bring cheer to so many people. More church groups should do that.I am glad Mikey has his dogs. Cheri had her Sabrina Collie to keep her company. She could run that fence and bark as well as Sabrina. Love you all.

Cherikeegirl said...

loved that story!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now THAT is what Christmas is SUPPOSED to be about...celebrating the birth of Christ by bringing the love of Christ to those who need it the most through those who are dearest to His heart...the very ones that He said to bring to Him...Children. If only we could all love the world through the innocense and trust of a child...things could run as smoothely as they were meant to to begin with. This all reminds me of a book that is currently out...if you like to read, I encourage you to try this one, its available at walmart," The Shack", by Young. It starts off a bit rocky, and its tempting to become skeptical of its view points...but it ends absolutely fantastically, and reconfirms everything that I already knew all along in my heart of hearts of how we are really meant to be as followers of Christ...good stuff for the soul cuz. love u girl!